Wednesday, September 17, 2008

a quickie.

Went out with Azzura, Animz and Noran to KLCC yesterday on a supposed shoes and handbag shopping trip. Had berbuka first at Signatures before pursuing our mission to spend money. Zura and I end up not buying anything, though Animz did get a pair of shoes and Noran got herself a sleek new MNG bag for work. Went to Starbucks afterwards to re-fuel, and most importantly, to gossip.

As usual, going out with these girls are fun, crazy, and loud. Gelak tak ingat. It usually gets even louder if Along is around.

But I seriously need a pair of heels to wear with baju kurung, dang it. But no, I don't think I'll ever get desperate enough to look for shoes in Vincci during sale. Not ever again.


-MissRose- said...

You should come here. There is an Variety of shoes here. Hahaha. Sorry Mira. I had to.

Why don't you just wear the ones I got you?

gulagula said...

shopping at vincci klcc can be very frustrating, even during normal days (off-sale period). with so many people, shoes upside down and everywhere, it can really gets on my nerves sometimes. but albeit all of the above, i still found myself getting into the crowd at that particular vincci outlet, as if those shoes were calling me... =P

a z z u r a said...

i found the boring black shoes semalam. it's really boring but i really need one for those boring protocol function kat sini..

as for the boring bag.. haaih.. how?

Elmira said...

nana: i know! when i go there i'd like to shop like mad! about the shoes you got me, they're too high for the lenght of my baju, so it'll make my dress somewhat weird.

gulagula: yeah my thoughts exactly! but i can resist the vincci in klcc. its the one in the padini concept stores and sg wang that tempt me too much...

zura: ooooo tunggu la akuuuuu.

Elmira said...
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