Monday, March 21, 2011

2nd week of work!

At the rate things are going now, I think I should be able to blog everyday.

So yes... I've started on a new job. Web content specialist has such a nice ring to the ears, no? Except for the knowledge that I am no expert at all haha. Spent the first few days worrying because I thought I was also responsible for the company's website design... I even sent out a SOS text to hubs, wondering if I am the right fit for the company!

So far so good, Alhamdullilah. My direct boss is busy for the day, and I am left without much to do. Seriously bored right now. I will probably regret saying this, but I want to do something! Give me some work! :P

Oh well. Might as well enjoy it.

Obviously now that I am working, Hamzah is taken care by someone else during the day. We'd like to get a maid or a babysitter that can come to our house daily, but since its so hard to find any of the two options, we decided to send Hamzah to a nursery for the time being. To be honest, at this moment, I'm not very happy with a few things, but as long as Hamzah is not affected by it, then I'm happy. We did get an allergy-reaction scare last week, but its under control now.

I do miss him terribly, everyday. I'd go to my Facebook account every now and then to see his videos pictures. Which reminds me... I ought to take more pictures of him.

Ok going off to the bank to open up an account. Tambah koleksi.