Monday, June 29, 2009

why, facebook, why? why won't you load?!

Thanks Jeeb for the meme I shall call...

Tag Bahasa Melayu yang mencabar minda~

  1. Bekas kekasih saya adalah : seseorang yang tidak tahu erti persahabatan.
  2. Saya sedang mendengar : Alia membebel kerana saya tidak larat untuk menonton DVD dengan dia.
  3. Mungkin saya patut: tidur. Akan tetapi, saya perlu menunggu Azzura datang kerana saya perlu memulangkan buku-bukunya, dan mengambil DVD Grey's Anatomy.
  4. Saya suka : makan, tidur, membeli belah, membaca (tidak semestinya di turutan yang diberikan)
  5. Sahabat-sahabat baik saya : adalah mereka yang tahu keburukan saya, tetapi masih setia bersama saya. whee~
  6. Saya tak paham : kenapa saya ketagihan Pet Society.
  7. Saya kehilangan : masa yang boleh saya gunakan untuk bermain Pet Society.
  8. Ramai yang berkata : yang muka saya tidak menyerupai arwah mama saya. Memang betul pun.
  9. Makna nama saya : ialah Puteri dalam bahasa Arab.
  10. Cinta itu adalah : suami saya, si bengot yang bernama Hafiez.
  11. Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang : membuat keputusan sama ada mahu berjumpa sahabatnya atau tidak untuk mengambil buku dan memberi DVD Grey's Anatomy musim yang keempat.
  12. Saya akan cuba : untuk menjadi isteri yang lebih baik (huuu jiwang!)
  13. Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud : forever di dalam bahasa Inggeris. Ia juga merupakan tajuk lagu dari kumpulan Innuendo. Saya suka lagu tu!
  14. Telefon bimbit saya : berjenama Sony Ericsson.
  15. Bila saya terjaga dari tidur : saya akan bangun dengan berat hati (dan badan) untuk mandi.
  16. Saya paling meluat apabila : orang yang saya tidak suka bercakap tanpa henti dan menyangka saya ambil kisah dengan apa yang dikatakan olehnya.
  17. Pesta/Parti adalah : sesuatu yang mahu saya adakan untuk harijadi suami saya Julai nanti.
  18. Haiwan yang paling comel yang saya pernah temui ialah : kucing saya, Zoey.
  19. Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya ialah : di sekolah menengah, di mana saya berjumpa dengan ramai sahabat baik saya.
  20. Hari ini : sudah berakhir.
  21. Malam ini saya akan : tidur, selepas berjumpa Azzura (dia sudah menghubungi saya dan akan tiba sebentar lagi!)
  22. Esok pula saya akan : bekerja :(
  23. Saya betul-betul inginkan : komputer riba milik saya sendiri.
  24. Ketika anda lihat wajah anda di hadapan cermin pagi ini : saya dapati bahawa muka saya masih seperti biasa, Alhamdullilah.
  25. Pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan : Pusat membeli-belah. Arked permainan tidak ada menjual baju jenama Dorothy Perkins.
  26. Makanan Barat atau Jepun : kedua-duanya sekali.
  27. Bilik yang terang atau gelap: terpulang pada keadaan.
  28. Makanan segera adalah : makanan yang cepat untuk disiapkan. Khasiatnya masih dipertikai.
  29. Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan pada seseorang? Pandu kereta dengan hati-hati (tetapi di dalam bahasa Inggeris)
  1. Apakah perasaan anda sekarang? Bercampur-aduk di antara gembira, sedih, menyampah dan sebagainya.
  2. Saya nak makan? Ketam, tapi tak tahu bila.
  3. Saya tak suka? Orang yang suka mempersendakan orang lain, tapi tak dapat menerima apabila dirinya menjadi bahan lawak. Sengal kan?
  4. Impian saya? Untuk mempunyai perniagaan sendiri, dan pada yang sama menjadi penulis cereka fiksyen yang sukses. haha.
  5. Haiwan yang saya tak suka? Tikus!
  6. Saya harapkan? Yang terbaik untuk saya dan suami, serta keluarga.
  7. Jika boleh putarkan masa? Saya tidak mahu fikirkan kemungkinan itu, kerana saya tidak mahu merosakkan peluang saya untuk berjumpa suami saya.
  8. Saya pada 10 tahun akan datang? Akan tetap dengan pendirian saya, insya Allah.
  9. Handphone saya adalah sebuah? Sony Ericsson Z610i berwarna biru.
  10. Saya pernah bercinta sebanyak? beberapa kali; dengan keluarga, teman-teman, lelaki yang tidak layak pun pernah juga.
  11. Kawan-kawan saya? kebanyakannya sengal belaka.
  12. Pernah dikhianati? Ya.
  13. Apa yang hendak anda lakukan terhadap orang yang mengkhianati anda? hmm. Entah. Yang pasti, saya gembira kerana tiada pengkhianat di dalam hidup saya sekarang ini (Agaknya lah)
  14. Siapa yang anda nak Tag? Kusa, Azzura (kalau dia masih ber'blog'), Lyana, Nik, Charles (haha!), Deepa, Arnie, Alia, Ikin, Saddiq dan sebagainya.
I can do better than this. But so malas to fix!

Thursday, June 25, 2009


I feel lousy. Tired. Pissy.

Its Thursday, so in a way this is not out of the ordinary. But instead of the usual 'I'm-so-effed-off-I-want-to-strangle-someone' kinda pissy, it's more of a 'I-don't-wanna-be-here-I-want-to-just-lie-down-and-not-think' kinda pissy. It's weird. I don't usually have this.

Maybe is the lack of sleep - we came back from Cineleisure at 3am, and went to bed 15 minutes later.

It was a good outing though. Good movie too; I enjoyed it tremendously. But I don't know if I'll enjoy it as much if I was to watch it a second time. I did that for the first movie, and that 'whoa' feeling just wasn't there anymore. But I have a soft spot for Bumblebee and Optimus Prime. That always pull me back in.


You know what I hate? I know Soul covered this in her blog a while back, but its worth to be said again: people asking me if I am pregnant. Well okay, that I can actually handle. But for some messed up reason, when I tell them that I am not (in the calmest voice that my burning-with-hate throat would allow), most would just assume that I don't want to be pregnant. That I am 'planning' as to when I want to have a child.

How FUCKING insensitive is that? What if a woman is having difficulties conceiving because of hormonal or health problems? Don't you think that your sudden need to lecture her about how a child is God's gift would only make her sad?

I hate having to explain to people that I am not pregnant because rezeki belum ada. Every time I do it, it makes me feel like I owe them the explanation. And it adds to the stress. Which is ironic, because I'm supposed to be stress-free in order to have a better chance of getting pregnant, but all this accusations about the reason as to why I am not pregnant is stressing the hell out of me.

Well this is not helping my whole pissy, lousy feeling.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

late nights, the blisskat way

Went home around 1.30am last night to catch False Opus' reunion performance at urbanattic.

It was good. Their songs are great, and I especially love the two Malay songs.

Thanks baby for the great date ;)

And another late night tonight. We're catching Transformers' 11.45pm show at Cineleisure along with my Sayang's friends. Bad move to agree to the movie actually; tomorrow is Thursday, after all.

I'm so going to have a hard time waking up tomorrow morning. Wish me luck.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Sorry guys. I did something stupid that caused the blog to be placed on private for a few days.

Its back on now... So jangan marah okay?

A lot of things are happening nowadays; with family, work, my hubby. Things are hectic. I welcome some of the chaos, some... not as much. Oh well, such is life.

I'm looking forward to the day I join Subway. As of this moment, I'm unsure yet when my final day at the office will be, but we're planning for a trip in mid July so Insya Allah before then. So by August, I should be able to complain a lot less about the little time I have to do anything. haha.

In the midst of it all, a way of keeping my sanity intact, I've been reading. I re-read To Kill A Mockingbird, which is one of the most awesome book ever. There's not a lot of books out there that tells a story from a nine-year old's point of view, that reveals so much about life and humanity. The book is a classic, and rightfully so.

And I'm reading the Twilight saga back-to-back. I'm only starting in my third book today, and by the looks of it I should be able to finish the final and fourth book by the weekend. The story is pretty good, considering the fact that it is targeted at a mostly young adult audience (ie 18 year olds). I'm a sucker for love stories with a twist, and for brooding vampires.

Okay, admittedly I began reading the books after watching the movie. But not because the movie was good... it's because the movie lacks something, and I need to know what it was. I was right; for instance, there's so much more to the main character Bella in the first book than there was in the movie. And it depicts the vampires with much more depth.

And of course, there was Robert Pattinson. I feel silly right now, crushing on him like I did with Leonardo DiCaprio when I was a teenager (before Titanic, mind you). But not as bad lah. And its not just Robert Pattinson... Its Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen. Gila drool sial. If there are vampires in the world, I bet Robert Pattinson is the head of the Volturi.

And so, this post ends.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Job opening!

The company I am working for is looking for a writer for our weekly publication, Islamic Finance news.

If you're interested or know someone who might be, please email mirafreaka at yahoo dot com for more information.

And people, please, NO SPAM. Only genuine interest will be entertained.

By the way, that person will be taking over my job.