Sunday, August 31, 2008

Merdeka Day, Eve of the 1st of Ramadhan.

Its the 51st year of independence for Malaysia. I wanted to write a short paragraph of how I feel about the country and all, but the I read Najeeb's entry and he pretty much sums up what I wanted to say.

Nevertheless, Happy Independence Day to Malaysia and all its citizens.

And tomorrow is the first day of Ramadhan. I'm very excited about it; with this being the first time with my Sayang as husband and wife. But I do feel a bit scared though, because when most wives are busy preparing food for their families, I will most probably be stuck in an LRT to get myself home. And a bit bummed possibly, because I won't get to berbuka with Baba and my sisters on a much much lesser frequency now.

I'll look forward to the weekends though, when I hope I will be able to at least cook up something simple for my Baby, and I plan to make one or two kuih raya as well. And maybe we can sneak in a day or two for berbuka with Baba. And maybe, just maybe... this year, Aidilfitri will feel like how Aidilfitri was when I was smaller, with more things to look forward to.

I hope everyone will have a wonderful Ramadhan, and may the blessings of the Almighty gives you strength in this holy month.


Milkberry said...

Yeay Malaysia!! Yeay puasa!!

comey_lote said...

that's the price to pay. I have never berbuka with my family nor celebrate raya with them ever since I call myself a wife...uhuk

Elmira said...

ikin: yeay all over!

comey_lote: that's true, being a wife is partly about sacrifices that we have to pay. but Alhamdullilah, my dad's house is just 15 minutes drive, so i guess i don't need much adjusting. just in term of 'schedule' i guess. thanks for the comment, by the way :)