Saturday, November 22, 2008

just a short one.

Thank you so much for the wishes and support some of you gave before my appraisal. It really means a lot to me.

It went well; it was still scary as feck, but no major screw-ups. All in all, I'm happy with them, they're happy with me, so for now we have a good relationship and hopefully it'll stay this way for a long time.


Can't type a long one, I'm determined to finish reading Love in the Time of Cholera this weekend. Has it already been two months since I bought it? Dang it, it usually takes me about 4 days to finish up a book!

Oh well. Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

*gigits mira*

Cepat-cepat baca habis Love In The Cholera...gila best buku ni fufu :D

I senang je cakap orang..but yeah, lately online games and the likes kinda prevented me from doing something more educational like reading :(

Elmira said...

hahaha. i blame it on work mostly, internet plays just a small part in my lack of reading. :P