Saturday, November 08, 2008

saturdays will no longer feel like saturdays for the next six months

Went for my first non-managerial finance class today. Eight hours of accounting and shares was overwhelming, to say the least.

I hope I'll get something out of it. But if my cluelessness and sleepy state of being were any indication, I'm in for a rough ride.

Anyhoot. Here's one thing I miss the most about not living with my family anymore: the fact that I'm not living with them anymore.

Sure, we fight like cats and dogs [sometimes cats and cats], but making stupid jokes with them, being bullied by the little ones and gossiping with my sisters are always great. We're slightly dysfunctional, but we perform best that way.

Now that the class has begun, we're going to be making less visits to Serdang, but my Sayang and I are going to try. Like tomorrow. We're going out for breakfast at Raju in Jalan Gasing. It's like, millions of miles away from Serdang, but we thought it'll be nice to do something together since we don't have much chance to anymore.

Need to pack up some things. Gotta go!


kittyanydots said...

oh my! that class sounds like a tough ride indeed!

family: can't live with them, can't live without them :)

love your blog design!

Elmira said...

kittyanydots: i'm bracing myself! hopefully all will go well :)

and thanks! my friend made it for me. ;)

a z z u r a said...


Elmira said...