I screwed up for the latest issue of the newsletter. Going into details would be lengthy, unnecessary and painful for me, and so I won't. And it's not something that I would want to remember either... though I know it's not something that I can easily forget. I'm pretty sure Melisa and Karen, two of my colleagues, as well as my boss are freaking stressed about it despite telling me to chill and not let it bother me too much; in the words my boss, 'shit happens'.
Suffice to say [in this blog at least], that it was the biggest fuck-up I ever did, and I'm surprised - but VERY thankful! - that I still have my job.
Moving on.
Azzura, Noran and I planned the outing since we met up at Zura's open house three weeks ago, so I wasn't going to let my depressed post-screw up state and my coughing stop me from having a great time. Anim joined in as well, although she just arrived from Perak.
We started off with dinner at Rak Thai in The Gardens. The food was, hmm... well, it depends on who you ask. If it's me and Zura, then we say its really good coz our dishes turned out really really yummy. Animz and Noran would say otherwise about theirs though.
Afterwards, off we go to Kenko to have the dead skin on our feet nibbled by little fishies. I didn't really have much reservations when we went there... I mean, I know it's gonna be ticklish, but how bad can it be? I seemed to have forgotten that I am EXTREMELY ticklish, until Noran and Azzura dipped their feet in first, and squirmed. When the three of them have completely soaked their feet in the water, mine was still a quarter way there, only dipping the cracked heels part of my feet.
I did manage to distract myself by taking photos, but I will probably need a book the next time around to completely divert my thoughts from the tickles.
The verdict? My cracked heels are really bad, so the 30 minutes was not enough for me to see any visible results. My feet did feel refreshed though, so it wasn't a complete waste. The girls said that they feel the results... I guess it works for those with not-too-serious cracked heels.
And we're definitely coming back again.
We've decided to make these little indulgence, such as this trip to Kenko, a permanent fixture in our monthly calendar. It's something that we have to do I guess, with our busy schedule not permitting us to meet up as much as we used to.
We finished off by having desserts at Secret Recipe. [by the way, its funny how I crave for ice-cream when I can't have any.] We talked and bitched; the perfect way to end the night, me thinks.
So thank you girls for brightening up my otherwise lousy day. Can't wait for the end of November for our next beauty trip. :)
mcm kenal baju merah tu.. wedding dia aku shoot ngan sapex kalau tak salah orang la..
been wanting to go fish spa with my buddies for a long time already...but we procrastinate a lot...and commitments...*sigh* okay...talking about the geli part, i think i'm like you who can get it very easily...o_O but trying it doesnt hurt...
wah, ni ke aktiviti yg telah menyebabkan korg seme demam nih. ;p ikan ni penyebar virus namapaknye. hihihi...
peijan: hahaha betul la tu! :P
mira la ni. btw, baju tu purple la, bukan merah :P
gulagula: no its doesn't hurt to try! but if you are extremely ticklish, go fo the smallest sized fish. and i highly recommend going to fish spas to bond with your friends, family, significant other :)
adik: haha bukan ikan la.. kak mira! sebab masa buat tu akak dah start sakit dah. pastu skarang derang seme demam, kak mira still battling with cough je.
im just wondering, i've got some fungus on my tapak kaki... what'd happen if they eat it eh?
this comment brought to you by the word: fortarp
saddiq: they die. u get a lawsuit. haha.
haha. mine is inessen. cool!
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