Wednesday, January 02, 2008

a hindsight on the year that was 2007

hehe no. There's no hindsight. I made the title up just for dramatic effect haha.

But then again, oh my goodness. It's a new year already?! Now this is no drama, people! This is for real! It's already 2008!

Oh well. I can't say that the year has passed me by; there were a lot of things that happened to remind me of 2007. I guess I'm just reacting towards the fact that this year I will only be 3 years away from turning 30. Good news is, my birthday is less than a month away heheheheh~

So what happened last year? In a nutshell; I finished my studies, I graduated, I got engaged, and I've started working. The year had a rocky start, there were things that happened to people that I extremely care about, that I won't even wish upon my worst enemy. Towards the middle, things seemed brighter. And it was; within the last few months, more good things happened to me and the people closest to me in any other year.

And Insya Allah, more good things will happen in 2008. Kak Diana is giving birth to another baby (it's a boy!) at the beginning of May, and me and my Sayang's wedding date is set on a July weekend.

And I know I'm a day late for a new year wish, but here goes anyways: 2007 was a wonderful year for me, with great events and new possibilities. I hope that the year had been great for you as well, and may 2008 brings us grander things. Happy New Year! Much love, hugs and kisses, Mira~

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