Saturday, January 12, 2008

omg six more months.

1. Was 2007 a good year for you?
It was fine. The last quarter was especially good for me.

2. What was your favorite moment of the year?
There's a few. Graduation, engagement, Ikin's wedding, Kusa's shop opening... I'm fickle, so don't ask me to choose!

3. What was your least favorite moment of the year?
There's a few of that also. I don't want to elaborate.

4. What are your plans for 2008?
Work, get enough money to get married HAHA.

5. What countries did you visit?
haha NONE. Which reminds me... my passport expired last September.

6. What date in 2007 will remain etched in your memory?
21st October 2007, duh.

7. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
FINALLY graduated woohoo~

8. What was your biggest failure?
Not learning how to make a Subway. :D

9. Did you suffer any illness or injury?
Nay, nothing serious.

10. What was the best thing you bought?
hmm. Nothing extraordinary worth mentioning.

11. Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
A certain person who was supposed to be a friend. But when she stop making effort to contact me, I guess I should stop calling her a friend already.

12. Where did most of your money go?
Transportation. And the occasional shoe-indulging activity. And food.

13. What did you get really really really excited about?
My engagement yeay!

14. What songs will always remind you of 2007?
Umbrella haha, and Hey There Delilah.

15. Compared to this time last year are you:
a) Fatter or thinner? Pretty much the same. I should be thinner. sigh.
b) Happier or sadder? HAPPY YEAY!
c) Richer or poorer? I earn my own money now, no longer depending on welfare :P But that does NOT mean I have money to burn!

16. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Lose weight. Play bowling with my Sayang. More sisterly-bonding with the other Syarifahs within the family.

17. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Whine. haha.

18. How will you be spending Christmas?
uhm sleeping. I don't know.

19. Which LJ/MySpace users did you meet for the first time?
I don't use LJ, and my Myspace is messed up.

20. Did you fall in love in 2007?
YES! Bobby's purring makes my knees go jelly~

21. How many one night stands?
Nyet none.

22. What was your favourite TV show?
Entourage, House, Grey's. I'm a TV junkie.

23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
Such a strong word... but no.

24. What was/were the best books you read?
I wish I read more books last year... :(

25. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Eisley! Ingrid Michaelson!

26. What did you want and get?
To be graduated.

27. What did you want and not get?
A no-yelling relationship with my dad.

28. What was your favourite film this year?
American Gangster, Transformers.

29. What did you do on your birthday and how old were you?
Class till 7 p.m, then dinner with my Babe at Chili's, One Utama. It was my 26th, and I'll be 27 in 17 more days yeay!

30. What one thing would have made your year more satisfying?
To be able to graduate with honors boo >:(

1. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2007?
A cross between ultra feminine and "beggars-can't-be-choosers" chic. haha.

32. What kept you sane?
Freaksters and my sisters. Why not my Sayang? Or Ikin? Coz they drive me CRAZY.

33. Which celebrity did you fancy the most?
Daniel Wu. He is delish~

34. Which political issue stirred you the most?
blergh. Not because I'm not interested, but... blergh.

35. Who did you miss?
My Mama. And oh, Azzura. But now she's back!

36. Did you treat somebody badly in 2007?
Hmm. I don't think so. If someone begs to differ, please let me know :D

37. Did somebody treat you badly in 2007?

38. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned this year?
When a friend decides to no longer be a friend, just let the person be and forget about him or her. You can fret and whine all you want, but what's the point when they don't feel the same way?

39. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year..
So take the photographs, and still frames in your mind
Hang it on a shelf in good health in good time
Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial
For what it's worth, it was worth all the while
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life.

-- Good Riddance, Green Day

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