Wednesday, December 12, 2007

a mugful of orange juice coupled with a talking mouse makes for a very annoying headache

It's almost 8.40 p.m., and I am still at the office. Luckily I enjoy my internship [which, insya Allah, will turn into permanent employment]. But then again, who the heck enjoys going back home at 9 p.m. after being at work for 11 long hours?


Anonymous said...

i used to yang. until people just forgets about my contributions and took me for granted.

anyway, i'm hoping that you do well at work babe. nothing beats the satisfaction of having a job done well!

Elmira said...

yeay you finally commented on my bloog yippie!

well i am happy with my job now, and that's really important. i hate the traveling and the fact that my routine is zombie-fying me, but yeay for my job! yeay for supportive people in my life as well! YEAY all around!

qiddas said...

congrats on your job, yang! w00t!

Milkberry said...


a z z u r a said...

haah kusa bg komen.. wow...

anyway, i'm soo happy u r working now and more importantly u enjoy what u r doing.

hmm... long hours, lack of rest, makan tak tentu.. hmm.. funny, i miss those days.. :P

Elmira said...

selalu-selalu kan la baby. lama-lama dah takde reason nak buli you hehe.

Milkberry said...

manade buliiii! it's a miracle je. a day that will go down in history known as the day kusa commented.

Milkberry said...

fuh 12.12 lak tu. patut main nombor ekor. sure menang.