Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I exist, after all. For now I have a facebook profile. yeay me!

It's the 7th day of Ramadhan... so far, all is okay. My dad has resorted to buying lauk and kuih at the local bazaar Ramadhan instead of cooking; this way he saves time. I have yet to lose any weight... blame it on all the sweet things I eat during berbuka, although I try to keep my rice intake low. But the kuih... ooo yum. Where the heck is my will power?

This cybercafe is too damn noisy. Will give a proper update once I get to a place where I can actually hear myself think.

Selamat Berpuasa!


a z z u r a said...

nyum nyum
sedap nye peanut butter and jelly sandwich nih..
ooh chocolate muffin with kelapa parut on top? rase seket.. wah sedap jugak.
uiks, kitkat strawberry? *break!* uuuih.. sedap jugak.. nyum nyum.
eh, what;s that?chocolate digestive? sket sket.. waaah munch munch munch...

sheesh. miraaa. me tooo got problem. waaaa....!!!

Elmira said...

wahh. chocolate digestive. how can ANYONE say no to THATTT??!!