Why have I been silent for all this while? Everything, and nothing. haha. The major reason for my absence in the blogging scene is the simple, plain reason that I do not have any Internet connection at home, and I no longer come over to My Sayang's house as often as I did before.
So what have I been up to? Well, the highlight would be, of course, Ikin and Bad's nikah and wedding receptions. Here's a taste of what kind of loveliness I was surrounded with on one of the days:
This is taken on the day of the nikah, or solemnization ceremony. And this one is Ikin being oh-so-modelesque on the day of her reception in Melaka:
Thanks Arnie for the pictures. By the way, you still haven't given me the ones from the hotel reception.
[By the way, notice Ikin's luscious new locks? :P]
Another thing that has been taking my time is the preparing of my resume and cover letter for my internship. I've yet to send out any as I still need my testimonials and sorts from my lecturers, but insya Allah I'll start sending by middle of the month. I'm looking for a spot in a PR/advertising agency... so if you can help me out, holler at me! :)
There's also this other little thing that has yet to take up any of my time yet, but it sure will. Will let you guys know as soon as something is confirmed.
I'm missing a whole load of people right now; mainly Azzura and Ikin. It's damn obvious why I miss Ikin; she is after all my girlfriend. And her living in Tokyo... well. That's just like the bad, evil, negative version of icing on the cake. haha.
Azzura. I miss our mindless chatter on YM. The fact that I hardly get online now, and the fact that she doesn't get online as often as well until Friday is the only reason why I haven't spoken to her as I would normally would since like a week before Ikin's wedding. Emails are just not the same when you have to wait days for a reply, don't you think?
And I miss Lyana. Ohmygod I so wanna hang out with her! It's been a little bit close to impossible to see her now that she's working. And I've been canceling on her too... thousands of apologies, babe. But weekends are your days off, and I know you want to hang with Michael too, so we just have to be patient and wait till our time comes, okay?
So. Is this post good enough after a month plus of silence?
And also, I had a haircut yesterday! whee~
miraaaaaaaaaa!!! i miss u so much!! yes, i do!! you're like my, my... my... i dunno what to say but we're always together and i realize that you're my only girlfriend that i do EVERYTHING with!
i went to the shopping mall just now and i saw these jewelry shop and I DIDN'T EVEN WANT TO GO IN TO LOOK! Why?! BECAUSE THERE'S NO YOU!!
Sedih gila k. I told Bad "Boleh tak I tak shopping sampai Mira datang sini?" I truly madly deeply miss u babe. You and Kusa are my nangis friends.
Cepat la datang sini weih!! Aaaaa!!
Alamak...I thought I left them on Along's computer already..maybe something kene left out. Nvm nvm..nanti I try hantar lagi ><;;
arnie: eh ada. haha. no one told me ada! along didn't say until after i tgk gamba tu tadi! blergh
ikin: uuuuuuu jgn la cakap camtuuu... sedih k? i don't want to be your nangis friend only... i want to be your gelak friend also... huuuu :(
duhhhh miraaaa!
btw hi arnieeee!!
anyways, nangis frens la spesel. u know the saying: laugh and the world laughs with you. cry and you cry alone.
in my case, i had (or is it still have?) you and kusa's shoulders anytime, anywhere. macam visa lak. hahaha. eh ke mastercard?
STILL HAAAVVVEEEE! nyahahahahaha
uhh. ntah. visa ke mastercard. pape la. asal ada. haha~
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