Friday, May 11, 2007

It's official; I miss my baby

Zuhri, if you happen to stumble upon my blog, Lyana told me about your father. I'm sorry to hear about it, and I know for a fact that you can get through this.


Here's a hypothetical question: What would you do if a man with whom you are completely in love with tells you that the reason he can't be in a relationship with you is because he doesn't like the way your mind works?

I had a dream last night, where the above-mentioned situation occured. I will not into details of the dream, but what happened was, the girl tried to prove to the guy that she can be what he wants her to be.

I woke up as soon as the dream ended, and I pictured myself being the girl. I immediately thought: Well if you don't like the way that my mind works, you're not worthy of my time then.

Oh well. People do crazy things for love.

Today is the 10th day. 9 more days to go till I get to see my Sayang again. waaa hurry up and let it be 20th May already. I miss you :(

And uhm Zoe pooped beside the TV cabinet when I left her last Wednesday. I don't know what to do about her. Come back and teach her a lesson ok? haha.

Toodles everyone. Not that there's a lot of people reading this blog anyways. But toodles, nonetheless.


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