Thursday, February 15, 2007


Operation went fine. Although I was cringing the whole 30 minutes of the surgery. It was no fun at all when the dentist was digging at my gum, trying to get my tooth out. Wasn't painful, but you try have someone digging in your mouth like that. And the drilling... Goodness. My tooth had to be broken down to three parts!

Post op; for the first hour it was hell. Until 5 pm that evening, hell worsened. And slowly after that, the pain subsided. Took me two rounds of painkillers for them to actually work!

And now my right cheek is still swollen [truth be told, I look like Quasimodo], and the pain is still there. Minimized, but still there. Need another check up tomorrow, and the three stitches will only be removed next Tuesday.

Ikin is back! yeay! Azzura and Animz are sorely missed. damn.

Anim where are the pictures?!

Later all. Need to make a few phone calls. Ciao~


a z z u r a said...

wickedrosso: aku tgh bace ko nyer blog at ths very moment
wickedrosso: beluuuum
wickedrosso: window jek
mira: haha caya la aku
wickedrosso: aku baru nak leave comment
mira: ooohhh
mira: dah ada plan utk shopping?
mira: ooohhh ok
wickedrosso: "quasimira - hunch cheek"
mira: hahahahaha
mira: cam siot je
mira: tapi betul la tuu

Elmira said...

hahahaha bengong!

i hereby deny having that conversation with ms azzura. itu semua fitnah belaka! nyahahahah~

a z z u r a said...

muahahahhaa.. i'm so far away u cant kill me,,, nyeh

Elmira said...

dun wanna kill la. torture only. mueheh!