Saturday, October 09, 2010


I think its pretty much set (kot?) that I will soon start look for a job, possibly to begin in December or January. Which also means sending Hamzah to a daycare/nursery.

Initially I wanted to start working a few months after giving birth to the little Lion, but hubby wasn't keen on sending him to a nursery, so we waited till mommy finds a permanent nanny/maid to look after Hamzah. But he's already 8 months old, and there is no sign of a new maid, so I guess its time to stop waiting.

Working with hubs is great and all... I am only busy at the beginning of the month! But there has been changes in Subway as whole that made that early month workload easier to handle... It seems silly to continue with the company when I don't really do much.

But truth be told... I don't know how I'm going to deal with the fact that I won't be taking care of my Hammyboy for 8-9 hours each weekday. The thought of it honestly scares me. But then again... not being able to provide the best for him is much scarier. And how can we afford buying our own place by the end of 2011 with the money we make currently?

I don't know lah. In an ideal world, I want to be a stay at home mom and make a substantial amount of money so I don't have to go to work. But the ideal world is not realistic for us at the moment.

I hope I'll be able to find work in an industry that I love. Writing is top of the list, of course. Communications, too. Insya Allah :)

Right now, I'll continue enjoying waking up to Hamzah's smiling face, bathing him with his giggles filling the room, watch him crawl (he's getting so good at it already!), mimic him when he cries for attention (yes I am a bully :P), and sleep by his side.

Hah. Camne nak kerja ni.


Soulie said...

aiyohh tough decision when you watch him grow 24/7 for the past 8 months. i can imagine already lepas abes confinement sure malas giler nak start kejer.

dah survey nursery mana ker you're going to send Hamzah?

Lyana H. said...

I guess it's tough to be juggling hameezy and work.. I am not too sure since I am not there -yet.

Anywho I believe whatever you decide on, let's hope that you get to witness his many firsts.. First babystep.. first "Mama" or "Papa" and hell I will witness my first "Tia Lyana" heheh ... just saying :P

Elmira said...

soulie: itu la dia! coz dah biasa dengan dia je everyday, almost all the time. kalau tinggal pun 4-5hrs max. ni nak gi keje ni... adoi parah. nursery, belum lagi. keje pun tak cari bebetul lagi! oh btw nanti kita try to meet up for dinner before u give birth k... :)

lyana: i dunno, i haven't started working so i cant say how tough its gonna be... but i bet its gonna be REALLY tough! wish me luck! and yeah, the possibility of missing his firsts... that's one of the things that i fear the most :(

Jarr said...

welcome back to redmoney!ralphie dah masuk balik..u bila lagi el??

Elmira said...

jarr: hahahaha i tak terer cam ralph! susah nak cari writer cam dia, but my job senang sket kot nak cari replacement :)