Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ate Prayed Loved :)

Had a girlie movie and dinner session with Lyana last Friday, and we watched Eat Pray Love. I had reservations about the book, with the author being paid in advance to experience the stuff she's going to write about and all, but I love Julia Roberts. So I decided to leave my preconceptions behind, and to just enjoy the movie.

And I have to say, its rather good.

I describe the movie to Azzura as 'food for your soul', coz its not really a romantic comedy (romance didn't come till much later), and its not really a chick flick (although its main character is a woman). I'm not going to dwell too much about the story, but personally I think it has a very empowering message to everyone out there who is stuck in a rut and wants something else in their life - get off your ass and do it. I do find Ms Roberts' character Liz as a little ruthless sometimes, but when it comes to happiness, you gotta be selfish a little, no? Especially when its for everybody's good.

But I do have one beef with the movie - durian does not smell/taste like stinky feet! I'm not sure about Indonesian ones, but the good stuff from Malaysia is hella awesome! And to diss the fruit just coz one smooth talking Brazilian man with a heaven-sent smile said its not good is so chicken of Liz, since she went traveling to different countries in different continents alone. Durian seulas takleh plak try? hish.

But I digress.

Lyana's favorite part of the movie was Italy - where Liz ate. Looking at the food will make even anorexics change their mind and dive into a plateful of spaghetti. Bali - where she loved - is the most romantic part of the movie, I guess. I find that part of the movie as mediocre. I didn't find it as exciting as Liz's previous experiences.

But my favorite was India, the pray part of the movie. I don't know what I can say here that wouldn't give it out too much - so lets just leave it at emotional, shall we?

I wonder if the movie did the book justice. Anyone read the novel oops I mean memoir yet?

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