Saturday, June 19, 2010

random thoughts.

This post is not triggered off by anything anyone said to me or something that I've seen recently. This is just my personal observation.


I hate it when people say things like "Nanti dah kahwin tau la macam mana", or "Let's see if you can do things better when you have children". Or something along that line in any situation at all.

I can get quite concerned sometimes when when I see something that's a little bit off. Sometimes I voice it out. And then I get retorts like this... which I think is rude, and downright offensive.

Just because you are dealing with the situation poorly (either by doing/acting/saying too little or too much), that does not mean other people who have yet to experience married life/parenthood/fill-in-the-blanks will do the same. I believe I speak for the most of us human beings when I say that we try to learn from other people's mistakes. There's a possibility that we might repeat them, but I honestly don't get the negative attitudes that usually comes with those remarks. Gila tak supportive kot.

At the same time, I hate it when people voice out their dislikes over things that they are not experiencing themselves, just because they do things differently. I am not being hypocritical - there's a difference between having an opinion and being a bitch about it. If you don't like it, fine lah. But unless you are in their shoes, then you wouldn't know the real deal in its entirety. What you see is not always what you get.

So don't be stubborn about your ideals being the only right choice, and accept the fact that there are different routes to reach the same destination. No one likes a Ms./Mr. Know-It-All, anyways.


Milkberry said...

i always say that but not to belittle someone. it's more like i don't know how to put my point across and the only way you can feel that way is when you go through it. not in a snarky way! honest! :9

Elmira said...

i guess the way a person says it and the intention behind it plays a part as well. in my experience when someone says those words to me, she/he says it in a "oh please. as if u can do any better" kind of attitude. maybe when u say it, its more of a "u may be right, but unless u're in my shoes then u wouldn't know" kinda way. :)

Chase said...

Sometimes people might mean well to say such things but failed in the delivery method... sometimes they are just perpetually bitchy and cant go on without passing a remark. Sometimes.... oh well...
I guess we can't control what people say or think but we shouldn't let it to affect us. We believe in what we believe :) and likewise they do too. Anyway... hope hamzah is feeling better now.

Elmira said...

charlie! *hugs* hamzah is doing good :)

yeah, you do have a point about not letting what others say affect us. its just that sometimes i wish these would listen to what they are saying, and try to put themselves in others' shoes once in a while, that is all :)