Thursday, June 24, 2010

Al Fatihah.

Grandpa passed away on 6th June 2010.

20th June marked the 5th year anniversary since Mama's passing.

Then a dear uncle, Yop Taib, pulang the Rahmatullah on the very next day, 21st June.

June 2010 is a sad, sad month for me. Can't wait for the 29th to come (Hamzah will be 5 months old!), and then get this month over and done with.

I know that a new month does not make much difference - they are still gone and there's not much I can do about it. But I want to get this awful vibe off me, if that is even possible.

Furthermore, there are several things to look forward to in July - Hubby's birthday and our wedding anniversary just 3 days after that.

And maybe I can finally celebrate something this year. I realized a few days ago that I have yet to properly celebrate any special days of mine since 1st January 2010 - discounting my birthday of course, since I was busy having contractions and getting cut open and all that.

And off I go~


mar!ahaf!z said...

Al- Fatihah to their souls.
u be strong okay..

Elmira said...

Thanks Maria :)

Chase said...

sorry to hear about your uncle again... may his soul rest in peace.

I guess in the 12 months that we are given, we all would experience good months and bad ones. Sometimes we wish they go fast when its bad and sometimes we wish they go slow when its good. some times we just wish we don't have to go through that particular month. But hey... every day is a new day :) now matter which month it falls on right... can't change what happened on those days, in a particular month, in the past... but we could change what we do on those days in memory of the past :)

there was once i loved December in that 1 particular year and the following year I hated it (together with every other months in that year)... hehehehe.... now i love all the months :P