Wednesday, May 05, 2010


Hey all~

I have to admit, the lack of posts here is not because I do not have the time... but Twitter has proven to be so much easier when I need to vent out ASAP or make a quick statement. But alas, when you have a lot to say, 140 characters is not going to cut it.

So here I am. Blogging away~

I just want to apologize to those who have been victims of my 'kejap ada kejap tak ada' online self. It comes with being a mother of an infant; Hamzah has a pretty predictable schedule, but there are times when he just cries and wants someone to hold him. So to those who feels like I've been abandoning them when they're about to tell me stuff - sometimes very important stuff - I am sorry!

Also, apologies for not being able to commit to outings as often as I used to. I simply don't want to go out too much... Siapa nak jaga chunky boy kan? I will usually go out if my Sayang can take care of him... or Mommy, if she's available. And this is why sometimes I have to plan my outing in advance. I don't like to depend on Mommy's maids too much. I trust them... but only to an extent. They're not very experienced when it comes to caring for a baby, so kalau setakat buat susu and tukar diapers tu boleh la lagi.

Furthermore... I'm quite particular about the way things are done when it comes to Hamzah. Hubby dearest called me a control freak. I call it being a mother.

This is also why I sometimes ignore well-meaning advice by some very good people. Well, some of the advice tu actually memang tak boleh pakai pun, but a rare few do makes sense... but its just that I choose not to go down that road. Like using a buai to lull babies to sleep, for example. I hear that babies sleep better and longer with swings. I'm sure it works for other people, but holding Hamzah to sleep and singing to him works well for us. And the little lion is beginning to sleep longer at night for the past few days... So why change a good thing?

Lain orang, lain la cara dia. Doesn't mean you are wrong... Doesn't mean I am, too.

I'm gonna stop for a while... Hamzah's due for susu anytime soon.

Till later~


Jarr said...

lamanya ilangggggggggggggggggggggggg...hamzah sihat?

Elmira said...

hoho lama ke? :P

sihat walafiat. bapaknye la pulak tak sihat... so takut gak ni kalau berjangkit.

adam yang hensem sihat?

Chase said...

oooh...the prodigal blogger is back :)

it's okie...mummy nature calls :)

Elmira said...

hehe thanks for understanding, charlie! :P

mar!ahaf!z said...

:) i pun tak pakai buai, sebab dari kecik ajar tidur tak guna buai. senang je dia tidur. tepuk2 je dah lelap.
kdg2 tak perlu ikut cara org lain, kan?

Elmira said...

maria: a'ah... we do our best and what feels right for us la kan. kalau nak diikutkan pun, there are a lot of parenting styles :)

btw, i read your blog... sorry to hear about what happened to your family! are you guys alright now?