Monday, October 29, 2007


I am honestly tired of how some of my Malay friends say that they suck at speaking Malay and so they won't, or how it sucks that they speak too much Malay now, or similar things like that. And they thought that I would understand because I speak a lot of English in college, or because my blog is in English, or some other weird reason like that. But seriously, is it so bad to be talking in Malay? I'm all for improving your English, coz hey, it is the international language. And truth be told, that's why my blog is in English... because I need to brush up on it. My English is slightly rusty and I want it to shine like diamonds on platinum, dang it. But I am proud as heck to be able to speak Malay, to know the language, to understand it. And so I'm sorry if I don't share your sentiments. Well actually, I'm not sorry after all.

And here's a resolution: I don't want to care about people who doesn't care about how I feel, or how the people close to me feel. I shouldn't, so I won't anymore. So you wanna do your own thing without caring for what others might feel about it? Go ahead. I hope you're happy.


Milkberry said...

i'm happy i can speak malay.

when i was still in malaysia everyone can speak malay there (and english) so i didn't really see the beauty of it. however, since i'm in japan, malay is like a secret language which makes me love it even more!!!

you can kutuk a person right in front of their nose and they won't even know! huhu hell yeah i love malay! i'm not very good at it (the peribahasa are tricky) but i love it nonetheless.

why? because i'm not an omputeh wannabe.

qiddas said...

awesome mentality, dudes. me too as well. my bosses here are so called london edumacated, and they've been living in london since small. so basically english is the mother tongue in this here office lah.

and when they talk to me, i, more often than not, reply back in bm. pedulik hapa aku. (anyway, they dont really care coz they know i have l337 3ng715h. heh heh. but your mother tongue is king, regardless.)

Milkberry said...

waaa berabuk skipping london!

Elmira said...

hahaha tuh la pasal. i heard many stories from azzura and anim about how they talk to their malay friends whenever they need to kutuk someone/something, and apparently it is especially useful if you see a cute guy and you wanna share with your malaysian friends. not sure how this applies to you saddique, with all the rainbow and all...

but yes, i love the language. i remember one time in uitm when my mom helped me out with my kesenian melayu class, where i had to write on the aesthetics value of an old malay literature text. i forgot what text i chose [i think it was hikayat malim deman or something], but it was as hard as reading shakespeare in its original text, i tell you... if not harder. i remember listening to my mom in awe when she explained the text to me.

and sometimes, i love the swear words in malay. haha.

Milkberry said...

huhu pukibabi is win.
pukiandang is the old malay text version.

Milkberry said...

huhu and the cream of the crop is my grandma's "LAHABAU TONGGENG!"

hahahha i have no idea what it means but it's so funny and insulting at the same time! pure win!

Elmira said...

hahahahhahaahah yeaaaaaahhh.

qiddas said...

"mak dia janggut" is my fav. i think my brother said it when we and a few cousins wuz playing cards, and he was dealt a bad hand. heh heh.