Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Hello, blog. I've missed you.

I read on Wikipedia that the author of Eat Pray Love, Elizabeth Gilbert, was paid in advance to write the book. Which is normal lah kan.

But wait a second. The book is a memoir, right? Of her life experiences following her divorce. So being paid in advance... How sure can we be that she did not seek out to experience things in her travels that would fit the book, and that she truly unbiasedly go through everything?

Seems kinda messed up.

But I haven't read the book, so maybe I shouldn't judge prematurely. And I am looking forward to catching the movie. Julia Roberts is almost always a delight to watch. (Except for her role as Tinkerbell in Hook. I don't get that one.)

And I shall end this post with a photo of my son. Gila takde kena mengena, I know. But he's sooooo enseemmmmmm~


Jarr said...

ensem mcm mak dia...ekekekekekee

Elmira said...

ehh i pretty la. haha :P

Lyana H. said...

Giler comel!!!


Btw friday ni kita makan.doa.cinta k... heheh