Wednesday, August 16, 2006

here comes Faidhi Izdihar!

yeay~ a new nephew to call my... uhm, nephew!

my sis gave birth to a 2.95 kg baby boy last sunday night, but i haven't seen him just yet. but i will, once i get better. get better, you ask?

the healthy record that i have is finally broken after 6 months and a half.

close friends and loved ones will remember that the last time i got sick was the week after i came back from Bali, and that was when i spent 7 days at home, doing literally nothing. and before that, i get sick once in every month on average, and not just small sniffs here and there, but the whole works. similarly, now i'm having a major case of flu and fever, but my sore throat is going away, and i sure hope i won't start coughing. i was convinced yesterday that my sore throat started because i was talking on the phone all the time since, well, that's the nature of my job.

which reminds me... i started my part-time job last thursday as a surveyor. in other words, that annoying person who calls in uninvited and ask you damn too many questions about a certain product or service. [as of yesterday, we handled a project for TM, and from tomorrow onwards, i'll be calling Singapore for a SOA project. don't ask me what SOA is yet.] but i didn't go to work today [what's the point of calling people up if you can't talk?!], and probably tomorrow, too. that's the cool thing about my job... you can come whenever is okay for you, but it's best to come as often as you can, coz they pay by the hour, and by each questionnaires that you get done.

so basically, i better get well real soon, or i'll be missing out on some desperately-needed money.

ughh... college is starting next week too. sucks. have to go check the schedule on friday. ooohh... and my results too. wish me luck.

till later, y'all... ciao~


a z z u r a said...

uhm.. 6 monhts?
chet cheating aar tuh.
appendicitis tuh tak kira sakit ke?

Elmira said...

ala... operation not included laaaa! :P