Saturday, February 11, 2006


well, i just realized today that Kusa and i took lousy pictures during our Jakarta-Bali trip. there's great pictures of us though, but not much on the scenery, the beach, etc. the more reason to go back to Bali, i guess. :P

so please check it out here. more will be added soon, depending on how long it'll take for Alia to transfer her pictures.

much love, and ciao~


Anonymous said...

Waaah looks like you had loads of fun kat Bali! Aiyoo,3 days is NOT enough,beb! You HAVE to go again,especially to Kuta Beach.Besh besh besh sangaaaat! ;)

By the way,happy belated birthday! I'm sure you had an awesome one this year!hehe..

Elmira said...

yeah i knooowww! and thanks for the bday wish... :) hope you're having a grand time in bangkok!