Saturday, July 23, 2005


the last time i had a shot was when i had the rubella and bcg thing in high school. i don't remember if it was painful, but i remember crossing my arms across my chest, holding cotton wools with both hands and thinking "it's over". yesterday, dr raha proved me wrong.

i got worried with my chesty coughs... it was becoming unbearable. i can't go to sleep without coughing my heart out first. the clinic i went near my house gave me 2 bottles of cough liquids, one after another, and they didn't do much. the ever-so-caring babe of mine took me to see his doctor for a change, and she gave me an injection to supress my allergies. that's what my cough is, it seems. an allergic reaction. to what? i don't know. haha. and it hurt, although only slightly. but the place where she injected me at is a little sore, i flinch everytime i sleep on my left side. but my coughing did subside, and i feel a lot better.

tomorrow is officially the start of a new semester break. yippie. i'm preparing myself for the ultimate boredom... which is good i guess... i'm thinking of taking 5 subjects next semester. i am also thinking of getting a part time job, but we went through this on my last semester break, so i'm not gonna go there again... :P

oh no... i'm bored. oh well... till later people. ciao, world~

1 comment:

K@MO said...

If you're free during the holidays, drop by my office and have lunch with me one day, we gotta lotta catching up to do, yeah? =)