Monday, September 05, 2005

a couple of smokes, a cup of coffee, and a lil bit of conversation

i'm bored. i have another 30 minutes or so till my class starts, but i wish it would start now so we can just get it over with for the day, and yeah, kill my boredom. it's insane to have your first class of the week on monday, at 5.30 pm... i should be at home tickling dina till she shrieks with laughter. or watch tv. or go to the mines and buy a new bag. but then again, my class... and also, i don't have any money for that new bag yet. sigh~

my weekend was good, how was yours? had a bit of a gurly coffee session with ikin and fareen at starbucks midvalley on friday eve. it was nice to sit and gossip and bitch about people that we don't like... haha. spent my saturday evening with ikin the the groper and alia the... uhh, baby sis. we went to sg wang and ikin the molester got this really cute and quite cheap bolero at this store we dubbed 'kedai mira'. coz i used to buy most of my cardis there. there's this one bolero that i really want... prolly have to wait till the end of next month to buy it... i need to get my new bag first.

iklan: just saw joshua and leo, my 2 friends in college did their ritual handshake. it was... cute! haha.

anyways, back to my weekend. i spent most of it with kusa just hanging out and lazying around. i realize that i take a lot of his free time... he got pissed at one point, and i probably deserve it. but then again, i grab chances by the testicles. he's free, so i wanna hang with him. until he's not free. then i don't hang with him. i don't hang at all.

ikin was a nervous wreck in the last few hours before sunday came. and what's up on sunday? she's meeting bad [the name, not the antonym for good] for the the first time since 14 months ago. and me, kusa, fareen and zaf get to see him too on sunday, as zaf took us out for dinner at fatty crab in pj. the food was wonderful! and the company was even better. kinda sorry that i didn't spend much time talking to bad... i was too preoccupied with my food... haha. but next time, maybe :) and by the way, THANK YOU again zaf for last night! maybe we can do it again sometime soon... nyeheheh~

suffian flew off to phuket yesterday doing a review of club med for fhm. have fun, suff, and have a safe return on... uhh... when are you coming back? hmmz. just be well.

ohh... kusa is on the phone. later!


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